What To Expect For The Future


       You are looking forward to spending the holidays or there is an incoming
        event or business trip and you need us to take care of your best friend.

        Be aware we are an "advance reservation service" with a limited
         amount of bookings and care givers.

        In order to maintain our high quality of service, we do not over book,
        regardless of season or demand.

        We are not an "on call" (except by special arrangements) or emergency
        service, when possible we will try to help in an emergency situation.

        Short notice (less than one week) reservations will be accepted if space
        and time is available, however two weeks notice is strongly suggested and
        one month may be required for holidays, spring break and busy
        winter/summer travel months.


        Please feel free to inquire about last minute service, but availability is a
        first come first serve basis.  The more notice you give us the better
        chances that we will be able to book your dates, so please notify us as
        soon as possible when you will need our services.


       If there are any changes:

       New pet, medications, food change, lock change, alarm codes, new
       credit card information, people permitted access to your home  etc.
       be sure to let us know so we can update our files.

       For the safety of your pets and because phones or computers can
       "crash", reservations by voice mail @ 617-623-0265, or email
       stinkysgrooming@msn.com  or msstinky@msn.com are not considered
       final  or guaranteed until confirmed by one of the staff members.

       Please confirm your reservation as always by calling us directly. If
       you need to extend your trip we will except only a call from you for
       direct confirmation.
       This will ensure that we will not miss your request,
       and your pets will not be left alone.


    Back Home Again      

     You have finally arrived home, unloaded the car and  you cannot wait
     to get into bed. One more important thing to do.
Remember to call or
     email us when you can if not around leave a voice message or send us
     a note that you have return home.